Thursday, June 10, 2010

Matt's family, Kraków and Bochnia

After traveling on a short flight from Munich into super sunny and hot Krakow-Bochnia, Matt met me at the airport, and we waited for Steve to arrive from Oslo.

[Quick background info: Matt is a co-worker who lives in Phoenix, Steve was his roommate. Matt is Polish, he and his fiancee are from the Bochnia area and Matt is getting married, which is why we're all here.]

From the airport, we drove to Matt's family's house in Bochnia. His parents are so outgoing and lovable, and his younger sister Sabina speaks English very well, so between her and Matt, Steve and I had excellent translators. It was so comforting to be surrounded by not only a family, but a wonderful one at that.

When we arrived, they had fruit salad and a fresh egg dish (super yummy, fresh eggs from a family member's chickens) waiting for us. After we ate, we began to play cards. It was here I learned the coins of Polish Zloty. :)

Another sister, Barbara, joined us later in the evening as we were sitting around the table playing cards...a form of Rummikub.

L-R: Steve, Mae, Matt's dad Zbigniew, Matt's mom Wiesława, and his sisters Sabina, Barbara

The next morning, we traveled to Krakow, about a 45 minute drive. "We" being Agnieszka, Matt, Steve and myself.

L - R: Agnieszka, Matt, Steve, me

The plan was that Matt and Aga had errands to do and Steve and I would explore Krakow. We started in the town square at St. Mary's Basilica, where we just missed the trumpets that play from the towers every hour.

However, we did catch the parade of school children dressed in traditional Polish dress.

Starving, we navigated a way to the closest vegetarian restaurant, Green Way Bar. I had lentil soup and cabbage steaks over brown rice. It was all awesome.

After feasting, we started to walk around. First we stumbled upon Sts. Peter and Paul Church. The statues outside are the 12 apostles.

We came across some interesting statues--is that a Phoenix?:

...and street signs--beware of children holding lollipops?.

We also went to Wawel Hill, which was a Royal Castle, and there's a cathedral. It also is apparently a good place to take wedding pictures. We let this couple go on to get a shot of them alone.

After walking around all day, we stopped at a little sidewalk cafe for a drink. The change was returned to us in this box:

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