Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Softball in Denmark

After 28 years, I've finally played my first official softball game in another country.

Chris plays on a fast pitch team that had a double header in a suburb of Copenhagen. Someone had to leave after the first game, so I ended up playing in left field for game 2.

Danish softball is so much different, especially because many people here haven't grown up playing the sport and it's not common to find on TV, so basic fundamentals aren't always so basic. It's hard and expensive to find equipment like cleats, batting gloves, etc. There's also not always enough players to play, so his team combines 2 teams of varying skill (hence the different uniforms).

Despite a lot of obstacles, all the players I've met have an amazing spirit, and they're very enthusiastic to play and learn the game. I'm super excited that they let me join them! :)

Other random notes about today include lunch and transportation.We packed a smorgasbord for lunch. In case you don't know what that looks like:

It includes carrots, apricots, apple and varieties of open-faced sandwiches on tiny bread made of hummus, cucumber, cheese, salmon and pate for Chris.

After the game, we biked home through Copenhagen suburbs (approximately 13km).

1 comment:

  1. Even though I wish I was there with you, I think we'd be splitting up at meal times. :)
