Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Birthday with a Palace, a Labyrinth and Hygge

Today is my birthday and I love my birthday. :)

And I love brunch. So after sleeping in, Chris, Louise and I went to brunch. We went to Cafe 22 for a buffet and sat outside by one of the lakes.

After brunch, I biked to Amalienborg, the Palace of Crown Prince Frederick VIII. It's been open to visitors while it's being renovated, but it officially closes to the public tomorrow.

On my first day here I found a labyrinth at Pile Allé. So I went back to that to check it out, which was very cool...

Tonight Louise and Chris cooked a vegetarian dinner. It was super yummy! Her sister Katrina came over with her husband Kasper.

From L to R: Louise, Katrina and me

From L to R: Chris and Kasper

Louise also made me a traditional Danish birthday cake, which was the most beautiful and tasty strawberry rhubarb cake I have ever seen or tasted.

Two things I have learned about Danish culture are that they love their flag (world's oldest still in use) and the concept of Hygge. There's no direct translation for Hygge, but Wikipedia says it's the presence of and pleasure from comforting, gentle, and soothing things, and is often associated with family and close friends.

Sitting comfortably in Louise's apartment, surrounded by wonderful friends, a delicious meal, happy Danish flags and warm candles, I felt the cozy meaning of Hygge. :)

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