Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sef and Glen in London

I am getting in the habit of following my friend Sef from San Francisco around the world. Or maybe we just end up in the same places more often than not.

This time, through the magic of Skype and a receive only cell phone, I met him at Nottinghill Gate station.

While I was visiting we went to a going away party for one of his Italian friends who was moving back to Italy. It was quite a gathering with many Italians, lots of good wine and pasta.

Vincenzo had Ducati sneakers so I wanted a picture with him:

While in London, I also visited my friend Glen from SF, who moved there 3 years ago. We worked together for about 5 years at a company called SquareTrade.

Actually finding him was quite lucky, since he wasn't really sure I was coming because I couldn't call or send him a reply. I actually walked out of the train station and looked up just as he looked up at me.

This picture is from a wine bar outside the train station where we had a chance to catch up and then we both ran off to our respective next adventures.

My time in London was short, just 2 nights and a very early morning plane ride back to Philly via Frankfurt.

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